The razor clam (solen) is a shellfish belonging to the Solenidae family. It owes its name to its knife-handle shape. Rich in protein, this mollusc lives buried in the mud between 40 and 50 cm deep and is harvested at low tide along the Atlantic coast. It can be spotted by the small keyhole-shaped holes it forms in the sand. Salt is sprinkled over these holes. As the salt concentration increases, the knife emerges from its hiding place. You can then grab it before it sinks back into the sand.
They need to be drained in salted water before cooking. They are used in simple recipes, often sautéed with garlic, herbs, ginger or chilli, deglazed with alcohol or soy sauce. Razor clams can be frozen and the flesh remains firm after defrosting.
Quantity: between 15 and 20 knives in 1 kg
- Poids
- 1 kg
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