Mackerel fished on the coasts of Brittany combine delight tastes and healthy benefits. Rich in omega3, it is best enjoyed grilled or cooked in the oven with a tomato or apple cider sauce.
Read moreThe mackerel (Scomber scombrus ) is a small fish with a spindle-shaped body characterized by stripes located on the back. It lives in groups in depths less than 250m, and feeds on pelagic crustacean. Fished by small boats from Brittany, line caught or sometimes with a net, the mackerel is a sensitive product: Prepare upon receipt of the parcel!
You can also freeze the mackerel. Keep them whole in order to maintain quality during freezing period.
Nutritionally, the mackerel contains 250 kcal per 100 g (1046.7 kJ) as well as a natural source of vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium (97 mg per 100g), selenium and vitamins B2, B3, B12 (19 µg / 100 g) and D (7.5 µg / 100 g).
The mackerel is rich in omega-3, essential for a good cardiovascular health!
The firm flesh of the mackerel has a much appreciated distinctive and pronounced taste. There are plenty of recopies for mackerel. Cooked in the oven, in white wine, in mustard or even grilled or with tomato or cider sauce: there are hundreds of delicious ways of cooking the mackerel! In the summer, it is often cooked on the bbq !
Poids net : 400g
Idées recettes par ici :
Filets de Maquereau grillé beurre de moutarde
Zone de pêche : Pêchés en Atlantique Nord-Est. FAO 27-7
Méthode de pêche : Chalut ou Filets maillant ou Ligne
- Poids
- 0.4 kg
ras .
C'est la première fois que j'achète ce poisson. A la vapeur avec quelques herbes, c'est parfait. Je ne regrette pas d'avoir essayer.
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