Can I freeze my fish?

All our fish are caught on the day and can therefore be frozen.

Whole fish should be gutted and rinsed with cold water before freezing. The substances contained in the vicars can be dangerous and will spoil the flesh if not removed.

Both small and large whole fish can be frozen on a plate and then placed in freezer bags.

For fillets and slices of fish, it is best to freeze them directly in airtight bags or containers.

Fish keep very well in the freezer. The qualities of taste, appearance and texture can be maintained for several months without deterioration. However, the shelf life varies according to the species.

  • Fatty fish* : 3 to 4 months
  • Lean fish** : up to 6 months

After the recommended period, the fish will still be edible, but they will lose their taste quality.

* salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardine, eel

** cod, monkfish, hake, sea bream, pollack

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